and here i am now few kilos away out of it , so here it is small town called " wates"... and indeed it really is a small town..... lucky us..... we found internet cafe here hehhehheheh...... it's not bad..... like the ones in jogja!!!!! but as we asked the local residents, they always pointed at this place so i bet it's the one and only in town hehehhehhehe...... hell with it..... im just excited to get in a bit higher civilisation again hehehhee im just being mean here..... aight just regard it as the first euphoria of mine, afterall ive got used to live in a village, and it's not so bad actually..... coz i could get fresher air and i feel my soul relieved there......(boooooo) hahhahhahaha.... so at the spare time, i tried to recapitulate wat ive been doing every single day on my first week in KKN. but apparently i wasnt so commited to write my daily activities...... there are only few days of the week instead of "every single day" hehhehehe, but it doesnt matter...... and i got some picture of em anywayz.. heheee the first picture was taken in a wrecked ceremony held by uni as it released the students to get off for KKN hheheehhe...... the ceremony was a piece of shit i guess...... not much necessity ive got out of it hahhaha i even doubt it if it could be called as "ceremony" hhahhahhaha it's more like a freakin crowds!!!! y
Day 1st:
We went from jogja at 8.30 and we got some plan re arranged regarding how plenty the goodies are that we all brought up!!!!!!! I myself decided to hitchhike a mate who rides a motorbike along, and too bad that I forgot to bring a helmet with me hehehhehee luckily the rider got two helmets, hhahahaa wat a nice prep!! Btw that’s not the only thing I forgot, actually I was asked to bring a roll of an electrical plug, I know that’s fatal, but another friend had two already hahhahhaa,, lucky us, clumsy me……..well, I was trying to get on time on the spot where we were supposed to be off from, while the rest of the kids aren’t hehhehhehe dat’s the consequence I guess ahhahahaha, tricky me….. anyway, here I am now in the middle of nowhere hahahhaha…… kidding ,
We live in a house of the chief’s and the room where the girls live is very modest but I find it OK, it doesn’t matter for us to live here, instead we are really grateful that we are allowed to hehehee…. On our way here, I found some amazing views along the road, I saw some locals walking without any shoes on while it was damn hot out there, I swear….. I was just WOWing them myself….. well, as we got here this afternoon, my only problem is how to get along with localities…. Well, maybe that’s common for everybody considering it really is my first time being here, and I have to remind myself that I’d be here for the next two months!!!!!!!!! OK , honestly that is my real problem, it really shows as me and my unit mates met and greeted the locals, we were very very nervous as in wasting most times quiet!!!!!!!! Shit man, we only spoke out as they asked us questions!!! Shame on us I admit it…… I don’t know if the rest of them felt it but I did….. wat makes it worse is that this situation gets me lost and wondering if I could get any program plans relevant with the condition of the local residents… dammit…. I desperately need COMMUNICATION to figure out else’s needs…… man,I wish myself all best of luck here…….
Day 4th
I bet we’ve got used to live here already, things are getting better than the first day only one is not, the temperature. it’s getting colder and colder everynite, and two nites ago I froze my ass off!!! I was breathing smokes, it wasn’t like we live in
Well i just wish my self all best of luck in doing all those…… I cant wait to get the programs done so I can go on with my life as we send bak to jogja and I can focus on something else which is not less important, FINAL PAPER!!!!!!! Whooooooaaaaaaaaa…..i just cant wait to do it and to see my boyfriend soon…… I miss him sooo bad………
Day 5th
We went nowhere today, actually me and a mate planned to ditch few hours to go back to jogja but it’s all knocked off……. Our teacher came by all of a sudden and it was unpredictable….well there’s a brightside of it, we could asked her questions about the running of programs…… afterall, we spent most times today at home doing this piece of program design report which I haven’t done yet up to now hahhahaha…… no wonder coz I was focusing my mind finishing a proposal for one of the damn programs----to a newspaper company---and luckily, it’s all done already……. By this time, I’ll try to finish my design report by tonite….. the due is on Sunday anyway, ….
Mann…… I have enough eaten today, I feel so stuffed, and I can feel my look gets messer day by day……. As I look at my self on a mirror,I see acnes growing on it whoaaaaaaa!!!!!! , yea nothing I can do though….. I just have to wait till I get bak to jogja, and feel the cleaner water as before hheehehhe……..at nite, as we are ran out of energy, a friend said, we got to visit another resident’s house to talk about his proposal to revive the masjid activity… whoa…. The girls looked soo tired and I bet I looked so sick hahahhaa………. Not again, please……. Ok so it has become routine for us everytime we visit one’s house in this village, that we are always been asked the brand same and old questions: “ where dya come from?”, dya know this person in yer city?---- hhahhahhaa, this one keeps me laugh,,,,, yea rite… as if only few man live in our home city hehehhee….. such a naïve………but I am quite understand now… I like that expression of those local people… however they welcome us very friendly I feel really blessed by that.. coz.. this afternoon, a friend from other unit of kkn, and whom plotted waaayyyyyyy farther than our place here, complaining about how bad the group organization is, how messed up their programs are, how not good the overall situations are including the local people… that’s all just fucked up!!!!!!!!gee, thanks god.. u put in in the rite place…… I feel sorry for him and the group though, I wish he could handle the problems soon, I just wish all the best for him , and I keep hoping the good thing for me too here hehhehe