just run from my first class this morning and heading to the second class which i bet will be definitely and positively boring!!!!!!! the teacher always tell history which i dont think has any relations with the actual and contemporary subjects!! sucks!! well, im not the one reckons it this way, the whole class think the same!!! i wonder why is it us, the students who always follow the rule and just agree with the mechanism of the class or else with the way the teacher teach? yea right i might just being sceptical here.... but in my opinion, some senior teachers are trying to dominate in class.... well some are not... but just let's focus on some who does.....
every single week we spent onthis class, i never saw any entusiasm came out of my classmates' face... we always do something else on the class instead of listening hhahahaa.... once i joined one of classmates who sat beside me reading newspapers.. haaha,, yes we made a bit noise but it seemed that the teacher was totally preoccupied with wat he's doing: TALKING , then he other kids saw us and asked us to hand him and her the other page of the paper hahhaha..... well, on another occasion last week...i color my fingernails with a color pen hehhehehe...... while the other kids are chatting via bookpaper which was wrapped as compact as possible and they did the dialogue instead of listening to the teacher hhahahha.......another crazy thing was done by a friend who sat in the front row!!!!! he slept!!!!!!! tightly!!!!! with the head bent down,,, he looked like dead anyway hahahaa......... ok then, time to go to that class!!!!! actually the reason i went to the class and try not to get absent is that the teacher is soo procedural... and the students' attendance will affect the final score, damn.... now i better run off!!!!