still refresh in our mind the murder in virginia tech..yesterday i read that it stimulates other american citizens to own their own gun or other kinda weapon. it is aimed to protect him/herself and the family.. the weapon selling rate has raised significantly by last week, yeah wat do we call this then? a culture!! now it has been a culture, to own a hand gun, well, i wish i had one too so i can just point it out to a pervert who tries to mess with me on the street hahhahhahahh....(just like i had yesterday!!!! it sucks!! screw em)
it's a prominence for weapon or military industry, they would dig benefits which are fortune!!!lucky them!! also they contribute great amount of income tax to the country by selling their stuff abroad. so it makes civilian independent of any military intervention in sustaining the security of whole nation. do american still need a military personnel then? yea of course they do in order to get themselves focused overseas, instead of their own countries. they play a role in other countries regarded as a threat to america... ha, still securitization!! seems like we wont find heaven in america hahahaha now it is no longer the monopoly of military to weapon usage, civilians are able to protect themselves, civil used to have a full control over military, it claims the professionalism of military. since there has been easy access to weaponry, i bet civilian has either easened or lightened one of the duties of military which is to protect domestic security. but hey, does having our own handgun means we are explicitly secured? i dont think so, rather it comes out of our insecurity feelings and being threatened all the time. as in security study it's called a threat to our existence. we make up things that we feel as threatening our existence, well maybe to some others, it is not a threat at all. contrary to japan which strengthening its strict policy in access to weapon after last assasination of its mayor. infact japan is a country with high number of gangs-yakuza-. also it has lots of stressed people commiting suicide per year!!.. maybe it tried to hamper deaths because the population is really going down by years, poor them anyway both countries are feeling insecured and seems like the problem solving is to harm self.
the world is never gonnabe safe as long as we keep feeling insecure and never enough of wat we have, why dont just let others do wat they feel rights and we have fun with ourselves rather than stressing out with other's stuffs. life is too short, but still i wish i had a handgun in my pocket hahahaa
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