(this is supposed to be posted yesterday, but there was some technical error in the internet connection!!!!!!!!!)
It was my first time attending a funeral ceremony of a professor in the university. He was a great professor with a long history in academic and social field. He’s got bunch of achievement. It was a long list of CV!!! No wonder many people from different background had come to give him a last regard . There was a military ceremony as well, regarding at his young age he abdicated some part of his life in a military service before he turned into academic realm. He died in a plane crash yesterday morning at a local airport. The plane was burnt in flame and had a little explosion. Wat a disaster!!!! It must took the favor of a miracle to survive yea ….whooaaaa… one thing I couldn’t forget about this funeral ceremony is the atmosphere around the place. It took place at the uni’s large backyard which surrounded by huge trees and it was so green. As the ceremony held, some storks--or perhaps crows, coz it looks more to it!! well, some black and white birds----- emerged out of their nest at the top of the trees. It was soooo kooollll!!!!!!!! Nice view, beautiful sky!!!!!!!!….. peaceful like in a movie hhehehheheh plus a cloudy sky….. huhuhuuuu sad but nice btw there were 2 other teachers whose existence are still not clear. Well, some victim were unidentified yet. wat a horrible accident (da!!)
Aight back to the above circumstance admiration of mine, by the way I believe we’ve all through some bad times. I also believe that it wasn’t only me who had a bit of good time in the midst of the bad. This “little” good time at least did pull our smile out yea… it would be exciting if we are able to find those ‘slipped’ good times in our bad times. We’d feel relieve , trust me!!!! Well, the problem is HOW!! How to find the little excitement in our bad moods..??aight now let me uncover my way: see around and get one thing as an object of our subsequent imagination. Imagine funny things that could happen to that object. i.e : say u had waited for a friend who’s not being on time on an appointment, at the mean time, u’ve been sitting there for such a bloody hours, and suddenly ur friend comes up lightly like nothing had happened. Say, he holds a mineral water in hand, just imagine he’d opened up the seal and drench himself with that water and he’d look a total idiot in a wet clothes ;p ….well, hopefully it’ll take over ur rage and u’ll turn normal again hehehhehheh
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