Sunday, May 27, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Mannn I think I got my self brainwashed of sayyid Quthb’s thought….. I don’t know why but I think im started to kinda admire him!!!!! Whoaaaaaa……. Wat’s with me? Don’t u ever realize that by reading some other person thoughts and get our mind really focused in it we could just get carried away by his thought? I wonder how we can stand tough to our previous stance…. not that my mind is quite vulnerable but it must have anything to do with the brain mechanism hahhahhahaha boooorrrrriiinnnngg!!!!!!
well, today is real hot and still working on my paper T_T ...
Monday, May 21, 2007
perfect song for a perfect day

I didn't have much interest in sports or school elections.
And in class I dreamed all day, 'bout a rock 'n' roll weekend.
And the girl in the front of the room,
So close yet so far y'know she never seemed to notice,
That this silly school-boy crush wasn't just pretend.
Life goes by so fast, you only want to do what you think is right.
Close your eyes and then it's past - story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
And I went down to my old neighborhood,
The faces have all changed, there's no one left to talk to.
And the pool hall I loved as a kid is now a 7-11.
I went downtown to look for a job,
I had no training, no experience to speak of.
I looked at the holes in my jeans and turned and headed back.
Life goes by so fast, you only want to do what you think is right.
Close your eyes and then it's past - story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Story of my life.
Good times come and good times go,
I only wish the good times would last a little longer.
I think about the good times we had and why they had to end.
So I sit at the edge of my bed,
I strum my guitar and I sing an Outlaw love song.
Thinkin' bout what you're doin' now and when you're comin' back.
Life goes by so fast, you only want to do what you think is right.
Close your eyes and then it's past - story of my life.
Wat a beautiful morning!!!!!!

Today I woke up quite early coz I planned to hit the uni’s library which got AC inside plus hotspot with damn limited host. But as I got here---in another library with only some electric fans in it—that library was already fulled with postgrad. Students!!!!! Whoa I was late, I thought I wouldn’t be coz I come only 30 mins after it opened its door!! Now im stucked here again but no probs, actually the reason I go out earlier was to get my paper done here hehhehehhe….. now im full of spirit, way to go gal!!!! wat makes today perfect is the sun!! finally it shines after few cloudy days lately hehhehe…… but I was too hurry to get my clothes washed out and use the chance drying em under the sun, badd……
Sunday, May 20, 2007
no longer stucked!!!!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
a). rains
b). love-hate relationships
c). orientation of life
wanna get out of here.........
Thursday, May 17, 2007
4 days off in a week!!!!!!
yippee as usual the gov't has prolonged a day off by this week, considering this friday lays in between a red date thursday and a weekend saturday happens many times since the beginning of this year... a good chance to do vacation with family or friends but also as i used to be, alone and look for fun myself hehehhehe...... maybe our country has the most day offs in the world hahhahhaha....... sometimes it sux to not doing anything and just slothing around the bed... then i encouraged my self to get up earlier this morning and have my room cleaned up and get the dust off!!!!! hahahha i felt so relieve as i finished doing it,, actually cant remember when was the last time im cleaning it!!!!!! hehehheh now i believe that the atmosphere of cleanliness may affect our moods... btw i really miss the sunshine.. it's been real cloudy upon jogja for three days which is sux!! cant get the clothes off dried!!!! damn, i thought this month is supposed to be dry season since the weather was real hot in the earlier days...... until three nights ago as i got drenched by the rains..... whoaaa... unpredicted!! hey actually it feels kinda weird to not working at nite hehehhehe.... i miss it sometimes , gotta find cool things to do at nite then......watching movie has always enlighten me at nite hehehee sounds boring huh, i wish i could get outta this town for few days but it sux when u are poor in such long dayoffs hahahhah.....anyways, the picture above was taken at my last nite workin at the coffeeshop hehhehe, me with illa, and a half face of cumi, workmates ... will surely miss em
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
whoaaaa free time!! and jobless at last
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
shit really happens!!
Have u ever had a deadlock in yer mind as u are in front of public and it comes up for u to do a speech in a presentation while u did such a well preparation beforehand? Well I just did!!!!! Whoaaa my worst presentation of the semester!! I was like stung as the slide of the powerpoints pop up, didn’t know where to start……. The presentation was supposed to get started about 1,5 hour earlier, as me and group mates really ready, but the teacher didn’t stop talking and it was quite boooriing….we were like “ mann… let’s just get started!!” …. As the time comes I was totally petrified in front of the class, well, I was joking in front of em…. Thank god I got
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
maenche Mensch andern sich nie !!!

the movie is about three youngsters called themselves "the edukators" who are also anti capitalist activists, they sneaked into rich people's house at nite and redecorate the furnitures, so they got em screwed up... at the end of their actions they left a message to the owner about how fucked up they are with their wealth or else how bad the world is as the result of the existence of people like em!!! one message i like from this movie is "maenche Mensch andern sich nie" which means "some people dont change"... yea i guess that's right... everybody has a nature of wannabe more than others, more in everything...and it has become a human's character to enjoy a wellness he/she got without paying attention to the surroundings. well, i do though's only us who can limit our satisfaction level, people are proned to not want to be considered as weak by others, that's why they keep their position steady and committed to get themselves stronger than before. just dont get tricked of the change of someone's behavior which come in a short term towards us, they're still the same basically, they do "change" only for self saving,for their own interest, well i might sound skeptical, but ive been there done that hahahhaha it's the reason i didnt vote in the latest general election in this country... it's kinda ridiculous for some parties who keeps candidating people from the last authoritarian regime, once my teacher asked me who i voted that time and i just i said "abstain" hahhahha...... i just dont believe all craps they promised the constituents. those stupid politicians got money and they just want more,,,, why would i open a way for em to do that by my vote? hahhaha.... never...besides the states dont get us more more welfare, yeah at least in the state i live in....we get our welfare by our own efforts, and we still have to pay the state for a tax, and no development happens.. the environment remains crappy, flood comes every year, people in insulated areas are suffered in starvation........whoaa... no change happened after we pay nah, at least change happens in the politicians' bank account......
yesterday i had another espresso after such a while since i had it last time.... at first i was kinda "awaken" then few minutes later, whooaaa... my stomach feels like strangling!!!!!! damn... couldnt even stand up steadily..... yea... it hurts a lot, need a fresh air to breath in.... wat makes it worst was that i was at work!!!!!! i got 1,5 hours left so i can just run home.... shit man, it reminds me of my last typhoid symptoms thing. now i really have to watch my apetite, it sux when we cant just eat or drink wat we want, yea well, im not the one who had such gastric disorder caused by coffee, few friends of mine do so... nevertheless i dont think i would stop having cappucinno or other variants of espresso *naughty me*... all i have to do is just to get my self fed first before i have coffee... i only had a piece of meat yesterday so i figured it didnt help much hehehhehe.... i might have to get rice or something heavier first, whoaaa....gotta make myself stuffed up first heehehe btw this month gottabe the last month i work there, i surely gonna miss all mates. we've through bad and good times together. and i feel sorry for those who were willing to subs me everytime i skipped my work.. hahahhaa thanx a lot guys!!!!!! it was my first time working as a part timer in my life, and it has gotten me unforgettable experience!! how to deal with many characters of customers*well, i'm kinda jerk in this*, how to keep our moods good!?*well, i failed as well :-) *, how to get along with workmates *hhhmmm ,not bad* and many other things!!!! been 10 months and i feel grateful that i can through that heehhehehhe....i met many kinds of people and it gets me avenues to know and understand each character.... but the coolest thing of all is that i can operate the espresso machine esp. the semi automatic ones hehhehheh.... new skill on me!! well, it was really new and unfamiliar for me as i saw it first time but then right after my success in making my first cappucinno, whoaaa wanna try it for more hehehheheh...sometimes it's kinda lucky to get a nice foam, but i've found the art of it, so it's no longer difficult for me.. heehhe... but im always wondering how to make espresso with the automatic, i wish i had my own machine hheehhehe...