the movie is about three youngsters called themselves "the edukators" who are also anti capitalist activists, they sneaked into rich people's house at nite and redecorate the furnitures, so they got em screwed up... at the end of their actions they left a message to the owner about how fucked up they are with their wealth or else how bad the world is as the result of the existence of people like em!!! one message i like from this movie is "maenche Mensch andern sich nie" which means "some people dont change"... yea i guess that's right... everybody has a nature of wannabe more than others, more in everything...and it has become a human's character to enjoy a wellness he/she got without paying attention to the surroundings. well, i do though sometimes....it's only us who can limit our satisfaction level, people are proned to not want to be considered as weak by others, that's why they keep their position steady and committed to get themselves stronger than before. just dont get tricked of the change of someone's behavior which come in a short term towards us, they're still the same basically, they do "change" only for self saving,for their own interest, well i might sound skeptical, but ive been there done that hahahhaha it's the reason i didnt vote in the latest general election in this country... it's kinda ridiculous for some parties who keeps candidating people from the last authoritarian regime, once my teacher asked me who i voted that time and i just i said "abstain" hahhahha...... i just dont believe all craps they promised the constituents. those stupid politicians got money and they just want more,,,, why would i open a way for em to do that by my vote? hahhaha.... never...besides the states dont get us more more welfare, yeah at least in the state i live in....we get our welfare by our own efforts, and we still have to pay the state for a tax, and no development happens.. the environment remains crappy, flood comes every year, people in insulated areas are suffered in starvation........whoaa... no change happened after we pay taxes....ups.. nah, at least change happens in the politicians' bank account......
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