laila!!! aku mampir ke warnet deket kosan heheehe coz apparently im not enough getting online in kedai!!!!!!!! hehhehehhe, yea, i spent the whole day with her after such awhile not seeing each other :-) i had fun and now, exhausted!! hehehehhe... gotta grab my bed soon!!!!!!!!!jump to it!!!!! really missing my messy and cracked down room!!!!!! hopefully there will be new resident next door soon....this damn stillness and fucking silence try to kill me softly!!!well, yea there were 2 prospective ones today surveying around and got stranded at my boardhouse hehhehehehe and the "material girl"(me and my former roommate used to call the house sitter with :-]) asked me to be an interpreter in that sudden negotiation hehhehehhe.. they were 2 german girls and i found it as another good chance to
practise my deutsch hahhaahaha not surprisingly, the material girl cost em way more more fuckin expensive than us the locals.. wat a bloody discrimination!!!!!! well it happened before though, my former roommate who is an australian was one victim(miss ya xeron)...i wonder why we,the locals,used to think that foreigner esp. westerner,are MORE than ourselves..more in every way, e.g more handsome and beautiful, more money, and sometimes more annoying hahahhahahah what an inlander way of thinking... i feel sorry for those who are and for my self sometimes.. i believe it's all started on the appearances.. they might look "cleaner" than us , the locals, so what then? who knows wat's inside, they could just be filthier too aight hehhehhee... according to my experiences ive had in dealing with some foreigners, i figure that basically, they're just the same as us.. they would complaining about something which we would consider as a piece of shit, unnecessary!!we did it too sometimes, complaining, lying, and other negative shit! sometimes they are broke, and so are we!! but yea, that's human aight, not perfect. before judging and stereotyping someone which later followed in treating ,why dont we just think of it this way==) posit our selves as him/her when treated such ways we treated him/her in our actual position . feel it!!!! ps: perhaps it would be different and might be good if u have a special ability to just neglect and get over all bad feelings right away and not easily distracted or bent down as someone treat u inhumanely!!!!!!!!!
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