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"Vengeance is all mine, I will repay," by Leo Tolstoy
hey, been watched "clockwork orange"? it's one of my fav movie... i guess it's one way to turn violence actions into nonviolence ones by non violence means...well, actually i kinda doubt it that a brainwash belongs to the nonviolence means. that's my own thought anyway, perhaps i assume such a way in regard it doesnt involve a physical violence but psychological. in effect, it goes further than any physical abuse in punishing someone for what he/she has done. sir Alex was really feel regrets of those crime he and the gang did to other people. it gets him in a traumatic condition. the brainwash has turned his way of thinking around. maybe he should thank to the authority for giving him such a treatment that he would never forget for the rest of life yea hhahhaha..wat actually the intention of the authorities and some epistemic team( in this case, the psychologists, brainwashers)to conduct such method in punishing the criminals? why dont we take a bit flash back on wat hapen in Iraq's Abu Ghraib and US' Guantanamo prison. they were contrary to wat happened to sir Alex yea. there are at least 2 intentions of authority in "clockwork" that i can see, A). it was meant to develop a new method of turning someone with bad behavior into a better one, so when he's back to the society , he wont harm any other people nomore. briefly, he would turn tame :-p, controllable, and more stable. B).it was only for scientific purpose (research)without considering any further effect that a brainwash may result into for the interest of that man and people around. now i'll try to compare with wat may follows from the punishment method in those two prisons. Could be death of prisoners, or retaliation the prisoners would do to the authority related--or United States in general--incase they are fortuned to get freed from all indictments and get the opportunity to get out of there.. (yea i know it's a little chance for it to happen, but possibilities are endless, aight) or say, they would make it to get fleed!!!!!!! whoaaa, then they would just comeback to its group and building great forces to make a revenge which can harm laymen and innocents !!!!! yea wat bout it huh, uncool!!!now wat do u want, USA? to put your people in harm so their paranoia would just come true?? the authorities could’ve just thought of the method used in clockwork orange yea. however Terrorism arised from the discontent felt by those got an unfair distribution of needs and necessity which mostly happened in the so called third world countries. Hey, it gets me new idea. Wat if we turn this case back to the authority?? Hhaahahhah let’s brainwash em about the suffering they cause to the poor and developing countries . about those giant corporations dumping their shit to the poor countries, pollutions they caused, and whole lot more exploitations they did without any fair concessions to the labors. heheheheh
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