Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
here goes.....

Yesterday I and khena went to the Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta (FKY) or Yogyakarta Art Festival, well I saw nothing much though hheehehhee I tend to call it as the resemblance of little Malioboro where they sell stuffs from details artcraft to the fine ones like painting…… well, the paintings surely differs it from malioboro!! But the rest was not more than malioboro ,,,,,, the price of the stuffs even higher than those in malioboro……but afterall I bought two stuffs there hhehehehe, they are thong/ sandal(actually i was confused about which one i should take coz both are cute!!!!)
and a cheap compact wallet
hehehhee I did ask some of the sellers there wat they think about this year’s FKY regarding few things from visitor’s rate to the participation of artists and they said
It is not as crowded as the previous years---they skipped the 2006’s FKY due to last year’s massive earthquake disaster around Jogja-- . the visitors aren’t as many as the previous year’s. well I bet it is coz it’s sooo obvious!! I can see only the committees who enjoy free live music there hahhahaa…….. I didn’t see many visitors’ euphoria……. That’s not all, some booths were also closed while the festival is still on!!!!!!!! I mean They didn’t sell their stuffs that day…
But overall, me and khena were quite enjoying our window shopping yesterday, seems that im quite lucky to hit it that day, coz the sellers said “one way to attract more visitors is to sell the stuffs cheaper than the day before’ hahhaaha so then I got this thong for only 25.000 rupiahs and a 3000 wallet hehhehhe
Afterwards, we hit malioboro to see if there’s any sling bag ----that really caught my EYES and got me drooled in FKY--- offered in cheaper price.. and SURPRISE!!!! We found it!!!!!!!!exactly the same!!!! they sell 30.000 in FKY and I just have to pay 25.000 in malioboro hehehehe, not bad……..
But u know wat, the setting is quite kool in FKY, they set this huge posters with attractive paintings, but I found only few installations there, nevertheless we did some photographs with em hehheehhe……
I always am interested with the place where they hold this event, it’s in Benteng Vredeburg( some old Dutch heritage fort)… it’s got its own sense of history whenever I get in there, although at nite the sense is more of spooky ones hehehhehheh but the design of the building is artful. It used to be a Dutch fort plus prison for indo rebel at that time.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
by the way,few minutes ago i just got a message from my very very old friend.... that junior hiskool mate of mine hahahahhaa........ she noticed me finally.... man, i really wanna see her now as i get the chance to hit bandung again heehhe.......but im stuck here with craps..vacation seems so far to reach.....really look forward to it neways
wat? so is it me who feels sick of works or am i just being lazy? hhahaa watever it is vacation is like a dream for me now........ i got plans to do until the the end of the year so i could afford my graduation on time----GOD,if u're really there, bless me on that!!!!!!_____ well, i did a little analysis of my latest works...... and ive got a conclusion that if we do it simultaneously without a long skip, we'll get ourselves encouraged to finish it soon...... i mean,,, there's this kinda force inside ourselves to act on it, hhhmmmm perhaps the effect is different on everbody,
ok then i think im just starve my self here, gotta run to eat!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
gecko killer!!
so yeh, i didnt do it on purpose, yesterday i killed two poor geckos in a day, the first one was about 11 am. i saw this gecko on a bathroom floor with the body got upside down, actually i wonder how come... then i took a broom and tried to turn the body back, it didnt work!!!!!! so i just leave him there alone , few minutes later i come to check if it's alive, but it didnt move, so i reckon he's dead!! then i went bak to my room, but i couldnt stand to see him again just to make sure if it's really dead......and yes indeed it's dead!!!!!i'm sad though but wat comes next is contrary to wat i feel, i swept it outta the bathroom and go to a hot spot where we use to hang the laundry to dry....then i just left it there....... and i went outta the house to feed my self and everything, and when i came bak, the dead body was already surrounded by starving ants!!!!!!!!!1 eeeeeeewwwwhhh poor him.... and cruel me........
the second story happened at the nite, well mid nite exactly, i was kinda sleepy as i forced my self to get up to have a pee, as got into the bathroom i slam the door harshly and loudly, but i heard some little sound on downward, i saw this tiny creature stucked between the door and the wood , dammit man, another gecko!!!!so itried to open the door smoothly but it didnt work, his body hampers the door to open, then i pulled it hard to get the door opened, finally it workd, pfiuh, the gecko was unrecognizable anymore, his neck are cut and i can see a bit slimy fluid over his body, wat a lame...... i skipped using that bathroom afterwards and moved into the next bathroom. and this morning i heard one of the girls screaming out loud and it woke me up suddenly!!!!!! damn. she freaked out of the dead gecko,.......god, forgive me please................
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
dig it

how does it feel to meet a very very old friend? like finding a treasure!!! happened to me last week, i accidentally met my junior hiskool mate, and she was surprised to see me, well, i did too, and by that time i asked her about one of my bestfriends whom i never catchup since i graduated hiskool.......... i miss em!!!!! and i miss her as well..... and just today, i found her at friendster, and she changed a bit, mann i wish i could see her again the way,this morning ive finished a paper which due is about one week to go eheheeheehe.... well, u may call me last minute girl but i rule this time haahhahaa........ i still got one paper to do neways..... it's gottabe my last semester before i'll strive to get graduated by writing a bunch of final paper whoaaaaaaaaaa.......hopefully i'd get there alive hehhehhee..... so now im sitting in a quite new cafe in town, and the menus taste CRAP, blah.......but the internet connection is not bad though hehhehe.... just like wat xeron said, anything could happen in a first trial hehehe....... apparently i did "hehehehe" a lot here , it supposed to mean that im happy, well am i? hhhhmmmm pretty much
Friday, June 1, 2007

there's nothing cooler than to sit and relax in the middle row right in the middle seat with no one on the right nor left sides inside the movie, wat a nice point of view that was!!!!........ i had it yesterday and i also didnt have to stand to cram in line to get a ticket....whoaaahahahhaahaa dat was a trick!!!! i came at the first play of the day, 11 AM hehheheh..... skipped my last class of the semester........ i was really alone, maybe to some others that'd be sux to hang around all by oneself, yea i know that is but not me!!!!!!!! yea, i kinda get used to it though but i found it kool, i was like a queen inside hahhahhaaa.... no child whining around, no giggles from upper rows hehehee...... [perfect!!!!!!!! i could just feel free to put my bag with tons of smuggled beverages in it on the next seat hehehee...... yea, it's true!!!!!!! it is forbidden to bring foods or drinks from outside the cinema, silly!!!!!!! actually it was my first to deal with this kinda rules, well, in a few other cinemas ive found no such silly rules anyways.... so yea.... it was 3rd"pirates of the carribean 's movie,,,,,, kool movie, im crazy about johny depp!!!!!!! his act is brilliant, i watched another movies of his as well, one of my fav. is "secret window" whereas he acted as a schizophrenic,,,, wow....heehhee