how does it feel to meet a very very old friend? like finding a treasure!!! happened to me last week, i accidentally met my junior hiskool mate, and she was surprised to see me, well, i did too, and by that time i asked her about one of my bestfriends whom i never catchup since i graduated hiskool.......... i miss em!!!!! and i miss her as well..... and just today, i found her at friendster, and she changed a bit, mann i wish i could see her again hehehheheh.....by the way,this morning ive finished a paper which due is about one week to go eheheeheehe.... well, u may call me last minute girl but i rule this time haahhahaa........ i still got one paper to do neways..... it's gottabe my last semester before i'll strive to get graduated by writing a bunch of final paper whoaaaaaaaaaa.......hopefully i'd get there alive hehhehhee..... so now im sitting in a quite new cafe in town, and the menus taste CRAP, blah.......but the internet connection is not bad though hehhehe.... just like wat xeron said, anything could happen in a first trial hehehe....... apparently i did "hehehehe" a lot here , it supposed to mean that im happy, well am i? hhhhmmmm pretty much
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