so yeh, i didnt do it on purpose, yesterday i killed two poor geckos in a day, the first one was about 11 am. i saw this gecko on a bathroom floor with the body got upside down, actually i wonder how come... then i took a broom and tried to turn the body back, it didnt work!!!!!! so i just leave him there alone , few minutes later i come to check if it's alive, but it didnt move, so i reckon he's dead!! then i went bak to my room, but i couldnt stand to see him again just to make sure if it's really dead......and yes indeed it's dead!!!!!i'm sad though but wat comes next is contrary to wat i feel, i swept it outta the bathroom and go to a hot spot where we use to hang the laundry to dry....then i just left it there....... and i went outta the house to feed my self and everything, and when i came bak, the dead body was already surrounded by starving ants!!!!!!!!!1 eeeeeeewwwwhhh poor him.... and cruel me........
the second story happened at the nite, well mid nite exactly, i was kinda sleepy as i forced my self to get up to have a pee, as got into the bathroom i slam the door harshly and loudly, but i heard some little sound on downward, i saw this tiny creature stucked between the door and the wood , dammit man, another gecko!!!!so itried to open the door smoothly but it didnt work, his body hampers the door to open, then i pulled it hard to get the door opened, finally it workd, pfiuh, the gecko was unrecognizable anymore, his neck are cut and i can see a bit slimy fluid over his body, wat a lame...... i skipped using that bathroom afterwards and moved into the next bathroom. and this morning i heard one of the girls screaming out loud and it woke me up suddenly!!!!!! damn. she freaked out of the dead gecko,.......god, forgive me please................
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